Friday, December 28, 2012

Challenge Coins are Here!

 Originally if you walked into a military bar and placed your challenge coin on the bar then everyone else had to produce their coins or buy everyone in the bar a drink. If everyone produced their coin, you had to buy the bar a round.

 In martial arts the meaning is somewhat different.

 The coin is typically given to yudansha (dan rank holders) as a reminder of their achievement and a symbol of their attainment of true advanced student status.

 When given to dojo mudansha non-dan rank holders), the coin represented an acknowledgement of that student's potential to excel in the dojo and the art.

 Regardless of rank, the challenge coin serves as a easily hidden reminder to the practitioner they ARE a martial arts practitioner and are expected to conform to the highest of morale and ethical standards. This is best embodied in the slogan "Karate ni sente nashi" or "There is no first attack in karate."

 This does not actually mean for you to allow the other person to strike first but, as Nagamine Hanshi explained it. "Don't be there."

 Don't be where trouble might start. If you're not there then there is no danger of you having to strike first.

 These polished brass metal coins each come in an individual PVC packet and are finished in full color with an epoxy coating to preserve the paint. The coin is 1 1/2 inches in diameter and 2.9 mm thick. This limited edition coins are in-stock and now available for $16.50 each Just click on the PayPal button below. (U.S. postage is free! - Contact me first if you are ordering from outside the United States).

Cox Hakase